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Lower School Physical Education

Lower School students receive their earliest exposure to athletics in Physical Education classes and through participation in Athletics Enrichment programs. Both AFS’s Lower School Physical Education classes and Athletics Enrichment opportunities emphasize the joy of athletic participation and the development of crucial fundamental skills in a wide variety of sports.

As students progress through AFS, they  engage with three programs: AFS Athletics, AFS Physical Education and Athletics Enrichment, which work in concert to shape them into confident, healthy, lifelong participants in physical activity. The influence of these three programs also helps to develop competitive athletes with appropriate sport-specific foundations for present and future athletic pursuits.

With regular Physical Education classes in the schedule, each Lower School student spends significant time every seven days engaged in organized physical activity that develops his or her athletic foundation.

To supplement the benefits gained through consistent school-day physical activity, AFS offers selected Athletics Enrichment opportunities throughout the school year and summer months. These organized, structured physical activity opportunities occur outside the construct of P.E. classes and are another way for lower schoolers to shape their athletic foundation.