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STEAM/Science Night

Join us for a special evening when the entire school turns into a Science fair extravaganza.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) will include:
•live animals from the Academy of Natural Sciences
•hands-on printmaking activities
•presentations by students reporting the results of their experiments
•other projects include the findings of AP biology students

“My favorite thing about Science Night is hearing our students talk about something they are really interested in. We are asking them to learn about it, and to think about how to share their knowledge with other people and get them excited about it, too.” – Christine Hunter, Upper School Science Teacher

For many of the students, the process leading up to Science Night involves long hours of study and several steps. They pick the topics they will study in October, write background papers, design experiments and create exhibits displaying their results.

All families are encouraged to attend and support our scientists!

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