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  • Recalling Our Roots: Mysterious Writing on a 1913 Photo

Recalling Our Roots: Mysterious Writing on a 1913 Photo

Toni Vahlsing, Director of Libraries, writes about this intriguing photo, which is another gem from the AFS archives:

In May, The Upper School A.P. History students created a display in the Faulkner Library about the complicated issue of race at AFS. During their research, they found this photo of young children, taken in 1913. Notice the words “a Cuban,” pointing to the tallest person in the photo. On the back of the photo, in the same handwriting, are written these words: “Abington Friends’ School, Primary Department 1913-14.”

Just this week, while looking at the Viewbook for the years 1913-14, I found a list of the students’ names for the prior year. This made me realize there were actually three students from Cuba listed as students in 1912: Joseph A. Ortiz from Santiago in Class A (12th grade); Ramon Gonzales from Mantazas in Class C (10th grade); and Armand Fernandez from Santiago in Class F (7th grade).

We do know that Joseph would have graduated before this photo was taken, but we don’t know whether it is Ramon or Armand who is pictured here. The classes in 1912 had only seven pupils per grade, so the enrollment of these three boys probably changed the tenor of the whole school. Here is a link to the 1913-1914 Viewbook.


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