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Welcome to AFS, a vibrant, joyful and ambitious Quaker school, a community of unusual spirit and an exceptional blend of values.

At Abington Friends School we cultivate fearless, curious learning in a culture of intellectual and creative ambition. Engaged and purposeful in every moment, students leave AFS with clear, strong and thoughtful voices, prepared for lives of meaning and accomplishment.

In this Friends school environment, children develop deep roots of inner strength and the ability to thrive in dynamic settings and make the most of their future college and professional communities. AFS is a school that joyfully embodies its mission. Our students are fully immersed in the classroom experience, in the arts, on playing fields and in the precious times they enjoy just being together on the playgrounds or in the Student Commons.

Full engagement, in the vital intellectual world of the classroom, in the arts and athletics, in community decision-making and in the larger community that surrounds us, is a hallmark of AFS. It stems from our commitment to appreciating children fully for who they are and with a vision for who they may become.

Community and classroom life is rooted in profound respect for individuals, Quaker attunement to finding spiritual meaning in day-to-day life and an intellectually powerful capacity for the collaborative search for truth and deeper understanding.

I invite you to explore AFS in its beautiful setting, its indispensable diversity, and its powerful program.


Rich Nourie Signature
Rich Nourie Headshot
  • Rich Nourie
  • Head of School
  • Abington Friends School