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Division Director Urges Students to Seek an ‘Antidote to the Hate’

September 15, 2017

Upper School Director Dominique Gerard spoke to students about the incident in Charlottesville, Va., and the importance of looking for answers to all forms of discrimination.

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In the Aftermath of Charlottesville, Why AFS Embraces a Diverse Community

August 19, 2017

A Letter from Rich Nourie: When 'others' are fully human to you because of personal experience, the dehumanization that occurs when people are at a distance from each other becomes virtually impossible.'

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‘Your Teachers Don’t Just Teach. They Teach You.’

July 7, 2017

The Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2017 was a joyous affair, tied to tradition and lifted up by the students’ happiness at having achieved this milestone.

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The Evan J. Greenberg ’91 Lecture

June 2, 2017

An Anti-Defamation League educator told students that a rising tide of hate crimes has swept the state and nation since 2016, and suggested ways to peacefully challenge bigotry in all its forms.

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Rich Nourie: AFS Moving Forward on Athletics Program and Facilities

May 12, 2017

'We know that participation in athletics provides an invaluable experience for our students. Teamwork, leadership, the experience of competition and of reaching for potential are essential opportunities.'

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‘Kangaroo Coming Through’

May 9, 2017

Sixth graders built a puppet of the school mascot, the kangaroo, and surprised fellow students by unveiling their handiwork at the all-school Arbor Day festivities.

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Student Poets Explore ‘Who Am I?’ at Open Mic

April 26, 2017

Forty student poets from AFS and Lower Moreland High School shared their thoughts on questions of identity. The collaborative poetry program was a first between the two schools.

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‘Basketball’s the Hook’ — Coach Steve Chadwin

April 10, 2017

Coach Chadwin explains his philosophy of teaching and coaching. Coach C was one of five legendary high school coaches honored April 5 at the inaugural Coaches vs. Cancer benefit dinner.

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Rich Nourie on the Vision for Education at AFS

March 21, 2017

Our students are immersed in a breadth of experience, as we seek to provide a distinctive education that speaks to every dimension of who our children are as human beings.

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A Film, and Then Conversations about Race

March 17, 2017

Upper School students attended a screening of the film “I’m Not Racist… Am I?” and then met in small groups to reflect on points that were made in the movie.

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