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Senior Capstone

During the month of May, seniors finish their regular class responsibilities and work on their Senior Capstone. The Senior Capstone is a culminating intellectual activity or service project that allows students to explore a passion, idea, or opportunity through in-depth inquiry, work, travel, or service. While collaboration and partnership can occur in Senior Capstones, every senior’s experience will be individual and unique.

AFS seniors can pursue four different options for their Senior Capstone:

Creative Endeavors –  This option is designed to give seniors wide latitude in developing their own Capstone. Students may work alone or in a small group, and all Creative Endeavor proposals will be approved by committee. Student applicants must demonstrate a distinctive level of self-discipline and work ethic in order to be approved for their proposal.

External Internships – Students can apply to work in an unpaid career-based internship at a business or organization. Internships will also be reviewed by a committee of faculty to determine their suitability. Internships cannot be for a family business.

Teaching Internships – Seniors who are interested in working in the AFS Lower or Middle School can apply for a limited number of Teaching Internships. They can request a particular area of the school (Middle School Art, 3rd grade, P.E., etc.) but are not guaranteed that their preference will be available.

Service and Service Learning – Seniors who are interested in giving back to the larger community can develop their own service projects or can apply for a limited number of spots in AFS-sponsored service opportunities. Seniors may choose to develop a service-learning project if they desire greater challenge.

Here is a sampling of the Capstone projects from the members of the Class of 2018.

Sydney Smith participated in an internship at a Philadelphia-area movie production company where he traveled throughout the city assisting in equipment rentals, set-up, and film shoots.








Pursuing her passion for service and philanthropy, Emily Fishman interned with the development office at Fox Chase Cancer Center where she supported the development team on current projects, major events and donor outreach.








Paige Pitcairn traveled to Spain with camera in tow for a creative endeavor. She stretched her photography muscles and created a series of photographs covering the landscapes of Spain.











Having traveled to Haiti before, Danielle Thomas’s service learning capstone led her to work with a non-profit in Haiti developing a curriculum to use in schools.