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Music, Movement and Performance


The Lower School music program focuses on developing musically independent students who experience, explore, listen to, perform, notate, and create music. Class activities include speech, singing, creative movement, organized dance, drama, reading, writing, listening, performance, instrumental experiences and instrumental technique. Value is placed on the process of learning and the interrelated importance of imitation, exploration, play, practice, demonstration and improvisation.

Music and movement education begins in Preschool, where music classes present hands-on experiences for students to gain an understanding of musical concepts and to become aware of and increase their individual music abilities.  The skill framework for our Lower School music curriculum is developmentally driven by the Orff-Schulwerk approach and the National Standards for Music Education, introducing soprano recorder instruction in third grade and small group strings lessons in fourth grade.

Movement and Performance

In Lower Schooldrama is an integral part of the classroom experience. Lower Schoolers are given many opportunities to hone their performing and presentation skills. Plays, puppet shows and student created skits are happening somewhere in the Lower School daily

Twice a year, a special program combining music and dance, and featuring every Lower School student, is shared with the community.Each child in the Lower School participates in winter and spring programs presented to our community during the school year.

In addition, Lower School students perform in AFS community programs including various classroom presentations, Assembly, Arbor Day, and Commencement.