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Lower School Winter Program

This year’s show, Hello, Neighbor, is about a community that is falling a part because the adults have forgotten how to take care of one another, support each other and meet each other with empathy and grace. Fortunately, four determined kids go in search  a solution. Armed with a mysterious book about “Collective Purpose”, they set off to help their neighborhood. Once they open the book, the unexpected occurs-they find themselves transported inside  of the book! While there, they visit different chapters where they learn lessons about what other people have done around “Collective Purpose”. Inspired by what they have seen and learned, the four friends discover that they have known what their collective purpose was all along-their neighborhood. Together, they figure out a way to bring their neighborhood together.

Both performances will be live streamed for those parents and special friends who cannot be in attendance.
For any questions, contact the Lower School Office.
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