The winter season of AFS Middle School athletics will begin at 2 p.m. Monday, November 14.
AFS will be sponsoring interscholastic teams in boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball and wrestling and an instructional personal-fitness program.
During the winter season, all AFS Middle School athletics practices and training sessions occur between 2 and 3 p.m. Game schedules for all interscholastic teams will be posted online during the week of November 14.
Any fifth through eighth grade student who is interested in participating in AFS’s winter sports program is encouraged to attend the the first day of training on Monday. All interested student-athletes will participate, as no one will be cut from the program.
On Monday, boys’ basketball will meet in the Triangle Gym; girls’ basketball in Hallowell Gym, and wrestling in the Cohen Family Wrestling Room on the second floor of Triangle Gym. Personal Fitness will begin in the Thode Fitness Center.
Please contact me with any questions about Middle School winter sports.
Best wishes,
Jeff Bond
Director of Athletics