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Home & School (H&S)

Every parent and primary caregiver of an AFS student is automatically a member of the Home & School Association (H&S), which supports students, teachers, and the entire AFS community in four ways:

  • As a communications network, H&S disseminates information regarding events and promotes the school in a variety of ways through the AFS Connects initiative. H&S also acts as a liaison between the community of families and School administration in the expression of comments and concerns relative to student life at AFS.
  • As a support group, H&S organizes volunteers to staff events and provide other services and resources to support school events.
  • As event planners, H&S performs an important social function, providing our community of families with the opportunity to become active participants in campus life, thus giving the adults in the community a chance to get to know one another.
  • As volunteer leaders, H&S clerks play a significant role in promoting and advocating for the School in every facet, in helping to build and sustain enrollment and retention, and in helping parents understand the need to support the school financially and promote a culture of philanthropy.

Every parent and guardian can choose how much time and commitment they dedicate to H&S. There are opportunities to be involved from donating food, to helping at an event, to being a Clerk.

Clerks & Committees

All-School Clerks lead the Home & School Association. Each division of the School (Lower, Middle and Upper) has Lead Clerks, who work alongside Grade Level Clerks to plan division-specific events. There are also committees led by Clerks that include: All Voices Family Alliance, Arts Committee, Community Care Committee, Robotics, EcoFest and Post Prom.


View the list of H&S Events 

Get Involved with the H&S Association

Learn more about AFS Connects


All-School Clerks

All-School Clerks work with the Head of School, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement and Director of Parent Engagement to provide school leadership with perspectives from families, to disseminate information to all Clerks and families, and provide guidance and practical support to Division and Committee Clerks.

Division Clerks

Divisional Clerks are made up of Lead Clerk(s) and Grade Level Clerks who work together to plan and implement division-wide events. Grade Level Clerks also work in conjunction with teachers to support grade specific events.

All Voices Family Alliance Committee

This is a diverse group of parents/guardians who are taking action steps to help build an inclusive community. The goal of All Voices Family Alliance (AVFA) is to lead efforts and plan events that advance the mission of a non-violent and anti-biased community. The Committee aims to host three events a year. In the winter, the group identifies a current issue and hosts a guest speaker or panel for a presentation and discussion. In the spring, the group hosts Many Voices Day: Grown-up Edition mirrored off the students’ Many Voices Day. During the summer, book clubs, video groups and movie series have been held. This Committee works with the Assistant Head of School for Equity and Inclusion.

Sign Up for the AVFA Committee

Arts Committee

The Arts Committee, lead by Clerks from Middle and Upper School, supports the Arts Department by selling concessions at concerts and theater performances to benefit the arts program, running the box office, planning cast dinners, and assisting the Arts Department faculty with on-going needs such as hanging art shows, building of scenery and promoting events beyond the school community.

Sign Up for the Arts Committee

Community Care Committee

Whether it’s a time of unforeseen crisis or a life event when some helping hands are desired, the Community Care Committee is a group of “on-call” able to help with meals, transportation and other needs that arise during times of crisis such as an accident, illness or loss, as well as during times of celebration such as the addition of a new baby. Click here to let us know of a need in the community.

Sign Up for Community Care Committee

EcoFest Committee

EcoFest is an all-school and outside community partnership event dedicated to the celebration of outdoor play, sustainability and education. In past years, the event has included electronics recycling, paper shredding, donation drives and more. On the same morning, the AFS Outside Faculty Committee and Lower School H&S Clerks host the Nature Playdate, and Nature Build, an event dedicated to playing outdoors.

Sign Up for the EcoFest Committee

Post Prom Committee

Post Prom is a H&S sponsored event designed to give all prom attendees a fun and safe experience after Prom. The Post Prom committee is composed of Upper School parents lead by H&S Clerks who are responsible for planning the event and coordinating parent chaperones. The Committee coordinates with the Junior Class Prom Committee in the planning of this event.   

Sign Up for the Post Prom Committee

Robotics Committee

This committee supports the Upper School robotics team, the Roobotics, through fundraising, organization and technical support.

Home & School Leadership

AFS Remote Learning Program, AFS Everywhere

Learn more about the AFS Remote Learning Program, AFS Everywhere.

AFS Everywhere, Online Learning through the Coronavirus crisis

AFS Everywhere