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Senior Echo Li Reflects on Center for Experiential Learning Experiences

November 13, 2018

The Center for Experiential Learning (CEL), directed by Rosanne Mistretta, connects students with hands-on experiences and extended learning in the world outside AFS.

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Teaching at AFS: I Have the Freedom to Create a Dynamic Curriculum

October 18, 2018

"Instead of the traditional schooling that I had experienced, I saw teachers engaging students in deep discussions and working along side them in interactive projects." - Felix Chen

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Upper School Theatre Program Garners 22 Award Nominations

May 22, 2018

Two Upper School student productions presented this year have garnered a total of 22 nominations from two scholastic awards programs.

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Lessons From Off the Beaten Path

January 3, 2018

Faculty members Roseanne Liberti and John Rison walked 97 miles across the northern tier of England together, a trek that tested their endurance, taught them about the power of sharing stories and reminded them that kindness can be contagious. Read about their adventure of hiking along Hadrian's Wall.

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A Front Row Seat to See the ‘Dark Hole’ in the Sky

January 3, 2018

Viewing a total eclipse of the sun, amid a sea of thousands of people who gathered from around the country and the world at a fairgrounds Hopkinsville, Ky.,will add more meaning and nuance to how I teach about eclipses in my Astronomy courses. Before, I was always able to show pictures and videos, but now I can explain what it is really like and hopefully inspire my students to look up with wonder — like I still do.
— Jordan Burkey
Upper School Physics Teacher

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Seeing Cuba Through My Own Lens

January 3, 2018

At AFS, we are focused on creating citizens of the world, and that means understanding who we are, but also being open to understanding the perspectives of others. While talk of the flora and fauna I saw on my trip to Cuba this summer will certainly make its way into my classroom, perhaps more important is my deeper understanding of a different culture.
— Kristina Bickford Denzel ’93

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A New Dress Code, Late 1960s Style

October 5, 2017

Director of Libraries Toni Vahlsing writes this week about a dress code from the late 1960s, another find from her summer research in the AFS Archives Room:

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Reflections on Teaching: ‘I Draw Inspiration from What Captivates My Students’

August 25, 2017

'At AFS, my colleagues and I are constantly looking for ways to encourage students to be open to new revelations, to allow space for wonder in their daily lives and to find purpose rooted in authentic inspiration.' — Middle School Social Studies Teacher Mark Smith

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Reflections on Teaching: Becoming a Reflective Practioner

August 25, 2017

'In my classroom, I must consistently be reflecting on my practice, asking myself the difficult questions about the value of my lessons, the methods in which I present these lessons and how well the students are learning.' — Upper School English Teacher Jenny Burkholder

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Reflections on Teaching: Setting Children on Their Own Course of Discovery

August 25, 2017

'I give children the tools they need to make good music and a roadmap to the creative process. As they listen and soak up all the information, they soon make the knowledge their own. After that, I guide, learn and see what magic unfolds.' — Lower School Music Teacher Keisha Hirlinger

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