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The Light Keepers Legacy Society 

The Light Keepers Legacy Society honors those who have arranged to support AFS through a planned or estate gift. Members of the Light Keepers Legacy Society have made a provision for AFS in their wills, named the school as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or individual retirement account (IRA), or established trusts to benefit AFS.

The Light Keepers Legacy Society enables members of the School community to plan for the future and benefit from tax advantages available through giving to AFS during their lifetimes.

These legacy gifts ensure that AFS continues its work educating young people and nurturing the light within every student now and for the future. If you have made a provision for AFS in your estate plans, please share this information with the school so that your generosity can be acknowledged.

For additional information on making a planned gift to support AFS, please contact Devin Schlickmann.