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Mango Sorbet for President?

Ahead of the first presidential debate, Middle School students were advocating on behalf of their favorite candidates — in this case, a flavor of ice cream or sorbet. Along the way, they learned about differentiating fact from opinion, the use of propaganda and techniques, the electoral college, the history of political parties a short stump speech and how to compose a campaign jingle.

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Another Week, Another Ribbon-Cutting!

September 23, 2016

This time, it was the rain garden and riparian buffer along Jenkintown Creek that were in the spotlight as Abington Friends School celebrated a pair of environmental projects.

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Athletics Team Up Day

September 16, 2016

Many of AFS’s varsity and junior varsity teams put a new spin on the idea of teamwork this week when they participated in the Concussion Legacy Foundation's “Team Up Day” on Tuesday.

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Dedicating the Courtyard

September 16, 2016

The new outdoor courtyard was dedicated to the late Marie-Louise Jackson, a benefactor to many who was described by friends and family as a kind, caring and considerate woman.

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