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In the past year, we have successfully completed our 10-year accreditation processes with the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools and Friends Council on Education, as well as an ambitious strategic plan: Leading by Design: Education for a Changing World.

Now, we are ready to involve our entire community in planning next steps for the future of Abington Friends School. We will be working with Carla Silver and Ryan Burke of the San Francisco firm Leadership + Design, who will help us to articulate generative questions about the changing world our students will be entering and how best to support and prepare them, how to best serve a new generation of families, the future of our campus and continued innovation for an outstanding academic program.

School Committee member Rebecca Bubb ’02 will chair our Strategic Planning Committee and there will be invitations coming throughout the year to join conversations about our future. In the spring, the Committee will prioritize and refine action steps for the next several years and we look forward to sharing the final outcome with you in fall of 2020.